Tax Consulting
Viboal FindEx has a team of consultants with an impressive experience in tax consulting. Viboal FindEx’s tax consultants are members of important national and international professional organizations from which we enumerate CECCAR, CFF, and ACCA.
Our company provides tax assistance and consulting in the following tax and financial areas:
- Direct taxes (corporation income tax, income tax and tax on non-resident revenue);
- Indirect taxes (Vat and excises);
- Local taxes;
- Salary taxes, including income tax and social contributions;
- Environment taxes;
- Other tax aspects (including currency regulations);
- VAT mapping;
- Tax restructurings;
- Accounting consulting.
The Viboal FindEx tax consulting team disposes of specialized know-how in realizing tax consulting projects of high complexity, successfully competing with big international tax and audit firms. Of the most important realized projects we mention:
- Tax structuring concerning personnel relocation and issuing a working procedure regarding the relocation in Romania of foreign personnel by a multinational company which produces concrete and aggregates,
- Preparing an accounting policy and procedure manual for one of the biggest Romanian company which activates in the electric energy distribution sector,
- Preparing judiciary expertise as part expert for establishing the suffered prejudice as a result of the counterfeit of its products for one of the most important multinational companies which activates on the Romanian pharmaceutical market,
- Setting the VAT regime for transactions carried out by a foreign company in Romania with public authorities related to obtaining non-refundable European funds,
- Obtaining tax authorizations required for trading of excise products in record time, avoiding penalties which exceeded 1.000.000 Euros,
- Obtaining an individual anticipated tax solution for eliminating the risk generated by the operations of an agency from Romania of a large foreign company activating in the pharmaceutical domain, for which the tax regulations were unclear,
- Support for setting tax obligations specific to entities which have ongoing European projects from POR, POSMEDIU and POSDRU funds,
- Setting the VAT regime for transactions in specific domains, such as: insurance, telecommunication, energy, IT, public utilities, exploitation of natural resources, support services etc.